The Latest
Together, we’re fighting to make transit, biking, and walking the easiest and best ways to get around in the Twin Cities and across the state.
March 23, 2021
In Big Move, MnDOT Sets Goal to Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled
MnDOT adopted a VMT reduction goal to meet critical climate targets. Setting a VMT goal is an important step for a more sustainable Minnesota.
March 22, 2021
B Line Could Bring New Bus Lane to Lake Street
We're ready for the B Line to transform Lake Street! Comment on the project and push for Extensive Bus Priority to redesign streets to serve people and transit.
March 1, 2021
Move Minnesota Executive Director, Sam Rockwell, Reflects on His First Year
In honor of Sam Rockwell's first anniversary as Executive Director of Move Minnesota, read his reflection on the last year and find out what's next.
February 27, 2021
Saint Paul Prioritizes Community and Transit Along I-94, Rejects Highway Expansion
We’re making progress in the fight for walking, biking, and transit solutions that put communities and climate first when I-94 is reconstructed!
February 26, 2021
Connecting with Community and Rethinking Saint Paul Streets and Public Spaces
In order to reimagine our future, Move Minnesota started by listening to what’s been happening in our own communities.
January 29, 2021
Move Minnesota and Allies Bring a Bigger Transit Vision—and Funding Ask—to MN Lawmakers in 2021
This 2021 legislative session, Move Minnesota is committed to advocating for a bolder vision for transit - because that’s what our climate and communities need.
January 29, 2021
Move Minnesota Statement on January 6 Attack on US Capitol
Move Minnesota executive director, Sam Rockwell, reflection on the US Capitol insurrection, and what needs to happen next.
January 29, 2021
Audio: A Community Roundtable on Reimagining the Future of Transit after COVID-19 – Part Two
In part two of the conversation, you'll hear community members' perspectives on local transportation, health, and equity issues, and what they hope to see after COVID-19.
January 27, 2021
Move Minnesota, Sierra Club, and MN350 Push Back as Gov. Walz’s Budget Proposal Ignores Urgent Need for Transit Investments
Unmet transit needs compromise Minnesota's ability to address the climate crisis, racial equity, and economic recovery.
Tell Metro Leaders to Boost the Bus
It’s time to paint more bus lanes and give buses a green light to make Twin Cities bus service quick and convenient. Add your name to show support!
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