Support a Livable Lyndale by Commenting on Hennepin County Designs
From tabling events to neighborhood canvasses, from pedestrian rallies to bike rides, the Livable Lyndale campaign has mobilized hundreds of community members around a street redesign that plans for people, not the past. With the release of Hennepin County’s initial design concepts for the reconstruction of Lyndale Avenue, we know our voices are being heard.
Right now, Hennepin County is making plans to rebuild from scratch a stretch of Lyndale Avenue from Franklin to 31st Street, presenting a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reconstruct this critical corridor in a way that better reflects the community’s priorities.
Launched and led by members of the Move Minnesota Minneapolis Volunteer Team, Livable Lyndale has been advancing a vision for a reconstruction that includes dedicated space for both bus lanes AND bike lanes so we can create a thriving future that cultivates neighborhood connection, boosts local businesses and safeguards our climate future.
After meetings with Hennepin County staff, collecting and delivering more than 2,000 petition signatures and hosting multiple community rallies, our advocacy is having an impact. The initial design concepts released in June:
- Emphasize “improving the street to address safety and accessibility” and “making improvements for more modes of transportation” as two of their three “primary takeaways” from community engagement
- Include an option — Concept B with Bikeways — that fits many aspects our vision for a Livable Lyndale

This is an exciting milestone for the campaign but our work isn’t over yet. We need the final design to include bike lanes all the way to 31st Street — not just to 28th Street.
Hennepin County is asking for feedback on these design by the end of the month so now is the time to take action! Let Hennepin County know you support Concept B with Bikeways that extend to 31st Street in their survey by July 31!
Together, we can continue to build the momentum for a Lyndale where it’s easy and safe to walk, roll, bike, and bus. A Lyndale that’s welcoming for people of every age, race, and ability. A climate-friendly Lyndale that can lead by example for the rest of Minneapolis.