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Partner Letter of Support for a Livable Lyndale
Co-sign to support improvements that will make it easy to walk, roll, bike, and bus on Lyndale Avenue South in Minneapolis!
Hennepin County plans to reconstruct Lyndale Avenue from Franklin to Lake Street in 2027. This is a huge opportunity to create a better Lyndale where neighbors and visitors can enjoy, businesses can thrive, and all of us can get around. Signing on as an organization or public official will help us get this busy street redesigned with people in mind!
Read the Letter and Co-Sign Below
Hennepin County and Metro-Area Leaders:
Lyndale Avenue South is a crucial corridor in South Minneapolis, where many people live, work, eat, and play. However, Lyndale is too often dangerous, unwelcoming, and inaccessible because the infrastructure for walking, rolling, busing, and biking is so inadequate. Speeding traffic, narrow sidewalks, and hectic crossings make it difficult to get around and discourage enjoying all the area has to offer.
Hennepin County’s 2027 reconstruction of Lyndale from Franklin Avenue to Lake Street presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to ensure this pivotal corridor is welcoming and livable for all. We ask that Hennepin County and metro leaders prioritize people and climate throughout this redesign process with protected bikeways, convenient bus rapid transit service, and a walkable, accessible streetscape.
To make Lyndale Avenue South a place that neighbors and visitors can enjoy, businesses can thrive, and all of us can get around, we support a reconstruction that will:
- Make more space for people through wider sidewalks, curb-level bike lanes, and full-day bus lanes.
- Include all essential infrastructure for the coming Lyndale Bus Rapid Transit Line.
- Complete the bikeway gap and fix the inaccessible sidewalk between Franklin Avenue and the Loring Greenway so it meets ADA standards and works well for people of all abilities.
The redesign of Lyndale Avenue South will likely stay in place for decades to come, so it’s important we seize this moment with a forward-looking design that will strengthen community vitality now and well into the future. We are excited for the Lyndale we know is possible with this reconstruction: a Lyndale that is more inviting for people to move, linger, dine, reside, relax, and recreate; a Lyndale where it’s easy and safe to walk, roll, bike, and bus; a Lyndale that protects our air and climate and is welcoming for people of every age, race, and ability.
The Livable Lyndale Team, Move Minnesota
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Visit our Livable Lyndale campaign page or contact Julie Johnson, Senior Community Organizer, at